Press Release Summary = "The serpent in the Garden of Eden knew it first. Marketers caught on centuries later. Women are the ones to reach." This quotation has been taken from a book by Bernice Kanner entitled
Press Release Body = Fast Track: Targeting Women
"The serpent in the Garden of Eden knew it first. Marketers caught on centuries later. Women are the ones to reach." This quotation has been taken from a book by Bernice Kanner entitled: "Pocket Book Power: How to Reach the Hearts and Minds of Today's Most Coveted Consumers-Women".
Targeting women as consumers of performance apparel is an increasingly common trend among the many different companies which are part of this industry. On the one hand, big players such as Nike are opening Nike Women stores while niche companies such as Snickers are making workwear specifically designed for females. In general, companies are becoming more focused on the female market.
Women buy more clothes per head than men do. This is true for sportswear and workwear as well as for casualwear. It seems surprising, therefore, that it has taken so long for manufacturers to start targeting this huge consumer group.
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